Sub-1GHZ ISM Band RF Transceiver
Technology: GF 40nm CMOS
Silicon Proven: Yes
Frequency bands: 430MHz-500MHz, 860MHz-925MHz.
Modulation schemes: DBPSK, BPSK, QPSK, FSK and GFSK, with built in MODEM
Very low power consumption (9.0mA RX mode @ 470MHz and 8.0mA @ 900MHz,
21mA TX mode with CML select and 25mA with PA select).
Configurability via SPI interface.
Input signal sensitivity -150dBm.
Channel bandwidth: 200 KHz/230KHz.
Operating temperature range from -40C to 85C.
Intended for RF wireless applications in the sub-1 GHz band.
Analog IPs